“I’ll be sharing your lovely project with my grandkids. Your granddaughter was great in the narration. It’s wonderful to have our own Gershwin in Choir!”
Jim Clayman, Minister of Music for The Worship PlaceGeorgetown, TX
“What a fantastic collaboration between you and your beautiful granddaughter. I am so enjoying my bird lessons and the absolutely gorgeous music you composed. When I next see a sandpiper, I will always think of it doing a little ‘ragtime’ kind of dance. The pelican music is so catchy, it stays in my head! Your granddaughter did a great job – loved the ‘cocky’ peacock story!”
Kay Pryor“I went with Shambryn and Little Zac to his appointment in Houston this past Friday and we listened to the book over and over. He loved it! He loved every bit of the book. Zac received a wonderful report from the doctor. He will continue chemo and keep the port, but God has answered prayers and Zac is doing better and better. I loved the book also.”
Shirley Wilson“Carlie, you have no idea how much our 22 participants and the volunteers appreciated your book/CD. Thank you so much.”
Cheryl WhiteTWP Special Friends (Alzheimers Group)
“Words can’t adequately express the feelings of joy, contentment, fulfillment that are experienced as I listen to your beautiful music. Thank you for sharing and for the joy that it brings to us.”
Tom Cook“After one particularly stressful day, I went to the car and put in your CD, and within ten minutes your music had emptied my head of everything except the music. I played that CD continually for the next four weeks. It always leads me to a peaceful place. Thank you so much for sharing your gift of music with me. It truly blesses my heart and soul.”
Linda HainesAmarillo, TX
“Writing you just to say that Amanda and I found Music for Bird Lovers to be absolutely lovely and charming – not to mention impressively composed and performed. We loved it so much we got online and ordered a copy for Gary’s mom.”
Matthew & Amanda HindersHouston, TX
“Carlie, I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the program. My heart and soul were comforted by your words and music.”
Dian WebbGeorgetown, TX
“I received the sheet music and am just in awe of how beautiful it is, even with my crummy piano playing. You’ve outdone yourself and I appreciate it.”
Jim HollifieldWest Covina, CA
“We received your CD & book, and we just love it. You are so wonderfully talented, and this selection of songs is delightful. Often I play it in the playroom while the kids & I read books & do puzzles. Track 5, Soaring Seagulls, is my favorite.”
Dani Rembleski“We have been enjoying your piano compositions. Your mix of classical with progressive jazz is very moving. The tempo is unique; your dramatic pauses are exciting.”
Tom and Shelley Smith McMaster“It was a great joy and privilege to sing your beautiful music. You have made glad the hearts of many.”
Duffy McBrayerHereford, TX
“I just want to share how I used your wonderful CD and illustrated book last week and how enjoyed it was. On Tuesdays I do an Alzheimer’s Respite for families to have a break from care for a few hours. For art, I played two stories and then they drew what they heard. I got the most work from a woman who usually doesn’t do art at all. She drew birds all over her page. It really touched her. They were ALL flying. The drawing, although primitive, meant so much to her daughter later. Your music touches people. That is everything. Bless you!”
Heidi Couchman“Your music is presently on my computer and is a very refreshing background for the work I am doing. Thank you.”
Glen Cosper“I just finished reading your WONDERFUL book and I absolutely love it. I don’t think you can say the book is just for children – I enjoyed it very much and am most impressed with it!”
Polly Parnell